About the Author
Ellen Brown Harrison is a professional, an advocate, a wife, a mother, and so much more. She is the recipient of various awards through her employers for her accountability and excellence in service.
She is an active volunteer within her community, serving to help the less fortunate move from a “need” to their “potential” by fighting poverty and strengthening families’ one person at a time.
Ellen is a member of an organization that mentors, promotes health and wellness education for teen girls. Ellen also volunteers with an organization through her employer
that promotes Public Education Outreach that help promote young students interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) careers.
She lives in Aiken, South Carolina with her husband.
For more information on the author and her work, please visit her social media profiles.

My Story
After the death of her father fifteen years ago, Ellen Brown Harrison felt lost.
She began reading poetry as a source of comfort and found strength and liberation in the inspirational words of Maya Angelou.
Seeking to empower others who are experiencing hardship or suffering from grief to reclaim their voice, Harrison presents a book of poetry on finding the courage to overcome adversity.
“My hope is the book will help others find the strength to rise up and push through any adversities life brings their way,” Harrison says.
Divided into two sections, or lyrics as Harrison calls them, “High Notes of Poetry” is bursting with intention, crafted to help readers realize their full potential. Harrison’s 1st lyric represents grace while the “2nd lyric” signifies transcendence.
Embodying confidence, love, strength, perseverance, and self-acceptance, Harrison’s heart-felt poems encourage readers to reach for the high notes in life.
Having discovered her true self in the aftermath of her father’s death, Harrison aims to give others the same opportunity.
“These poems will help readers discover who they really are and allow them to tap into their unique gifts and inspire them to share them with others,” Harrison says.
High Notes of Poetry will be available for release on July 23, 2024 online through outlets as Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. Books of Million, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
Hardcover $21.99
Paperback $11.99
ebook $5.99